The Cupcake Project, 1: Shirley Temples


Progetto Cupcakes: parte prima!
Ecco i Shirley Temple: Cupcakes alla vaniglia o al cioccolato, con frosting di panna montata dolce, guarniti da una deliziosa ciliegia candita kawaii
The Cupcake Project: part one! Introducing the Shirley Temples, a vanilla or chocolate cupcake base topped with sweet whipped cream and a delicious Maraschino cherry kawaii


....Finalmente sono riuscita a dare un effetto frosting/panna decente! Ho usato un prodottino super-carino di cui parlerĂ² nel dettaglio a breve.. kawaii
I'm so glad I finally achieved a not-too-shabby miniature frosting - I used a lovely little product to make it, I'm going to review it soon kawaii


Realizzati a mano in scala 1:6 giggle
Handmade in a 1:6th scale giggle

Materiali usati / Supplies:
Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop Think Pastel Shop