Find out how I made this highly customisable roombox for my Barbie dolls using paper and craft sticks!
A free printable template is provided; you'll find the download link at the end of the video.

The walls of this roombox can be removed and put back in place thanks to a magnet "place&lock" mechanism (patent pending 🤣). This will allow you to create a room with 4 furnished walls while still being able to look inside the room.
In this video, I'll also show you how to make a working window, a working door and a tile floor using cardstock.
This project is perfect for dolls like Barbie, Monster High, Blythe, Ever After High and even collectibles like Littlest Pet Shop and Sylvanian Family!
A free printable template is provided; you'll find the download link at the end of the video.
The walls of this roombox can be removed and put back in place thanks to a magnet "place&lock" mechanism (patent pending 🤣). This will allow you to create a room with 4 furnished walls while still being able to look inside the room.
In this video, I'll also show you how to make a working window, a working door and a tile floor using cardstock.
This project is perfect for dolls like Barbie, Monster High, Blythe, Ever After High and even collectibles like Littlest Pet Shop and Sylvanian Family!